Veydant Social&Legal Foundation (NGO) is registered u/s 8 of the Companies Act and based at Delhi, is committed to transforming lives and communities throughout India. Our mission is to provide free consultation services in health, education, and legal matters, with a strong emphasis on education as the cornerstone of our work. We believe in creating a brighter, more equitable future for all, where every individual can access the right education at the right time.

Our NGO is rooted in the strengths of collaboration, and we recognize that to truly make a difference, it's essential to maintain ties with both government and private players. This strategic approach enhances our efficiency and ensures that our end results have a lasting and meaningful impact on the lives we touch. We are dedicated to working hand in hand with all stakeholders to bring about positive change, making the world a better place one step at a time

Empowering Society - Serving Humanity

How do we work?

Technology & Innovation
Partnering with Local Communities

Utilizing and adapting technologies familiar to the developed world, we can provide teachers, parents, and students with products and services to improve learning and decision-making.

By nurturing relationships with likeminded organizations and private individuals, we're able to unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what traditional funding can do alone.

Shaped by decades of experience within communities and with its educators, we affect change by bringing together real-world solutions, policy expertise, sustainable financing and collaborative partnerships.

Finance & Investing

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner.

Our team

Mukul Badsiwal

Mukul is a Skilled Graphic designer and one of the finest Social Media Manager based at Delhi. He is young dynamic and most creative person; he is one of the key members of the Veydant Foundation. Mukul has created the meaningful logo for our NGO

Creative Designer & Social Media Manager

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”

– Mark Van Doren