Health,Education,Justice: Veydant's Promise

No child should face barriers to education. Our non-profit organization strives to provide access to necessary equipment, and accelerate funding for sufficient school spaces

Projects we are focusing on

Child Education

Health Care

Stand for Children commits itself to helping students receive a quality education regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or geographic location. The organization engages with people who want to contribute to society and parents to actively support their children’s education.

The Indian healthcare scenario presents a spectrum of contrasting landscapes. At one end of the spectrum are the glitzy steel and glass structures delivering high tech Medicare to the well-heeled, mostly urban Indian. At the other end are the ramshackle outposts in the remote reaches of the “other India” trying desperately to live up to their identity as health subcenters, waiting to be transformed to shrines of health and wellness, a story which we will wait to see unfold. One among the numerous challenges in the healthcare sector in India has been the lack of access to quality services for the poor and marginalized communities. This has been largely due to dismal investment in public healthcare which is just at 1% of the GDP — among the lowest in the world.

Your help is instrumental in providing children access to the education they deserve